Boat Shaped Stone Lamp


Boat Shaped Stone Lamp

carved gray/white mottle stone, granite(?)
height 3.6 cm
length 8.7 cm
width 6.4 cm

Portland State University Middle East Studies Center
Bogue Lamp Collection, Lamp ID #284, PSU 193 (199)


Professor Anne Nicogorski, Willamette University, cited with permission

This somewhat boat-shaped lamp is unique in that it was carved from stone. The large, open reservoir is circular in shape. The wick hole is pierced from the front at an acute angle into the side of the reservoir. The edge along the top is incised. The pierced handle at the rear is partially broken. Shape: Almond-shaped lamp with flat base; nearly straight side walls; squared lip; open top; small spout at pointed end; vertical ring handle attached to side of body at wide end. Decoration: Pair of parallel grooves running around side of body, halfway up walls; radiating diagonal grooves on top of rim. Inscriptions: None. Condition: Mostly complete; much of handle broken away; dirty and encrusted; burnt along rim and interior.