Delphiniform Terracotta Lamp with Dished Side Projection


Delphiniform Terracotta Lamp with Dished Side Projection

terracotta: mold-made, fabric: fine with some inclusions. Munsell: 5 YR 6/4 light reddish brown
height 2.7 cm
length 8.9 cm
width 5.4 cm

Portland State University Middle East Studies Center
Bogue Lamp Collection, Lamp ID #256, PSU 174 (192)


Professor Anne Nicogorski, Willamette University, cited with permission

This tan, delphiniform lamp has a dished side projection. The long, sharp nozzle has a bump towards its base on the top. The fill hole is large. The lamp bears no other decoration. Shape: Round-bodied lamp with ring base set off by shallow circular groove; very slightly carinated body profile; large central fill hole; small concave discus; long extended nozzle, pointed at the end; large pointed side lug on the right side (nozzle pointing up), depressed on top. Decoration: Traces of reddish-brown slip. Large circular boss on top of nozzle axis; fill hole surrounded by circular ridge and groove; pair of parallel grooves extending from discus area into shoulder on either side of nozzle; short band of impressed dots between these grooves, along outer edge of discus. Inscriptions: None. Condition: Intact; worn; encrusted; burnt around wick hole; slip mostly gone.