Round Terracotta Lamp with Dotted Relief


Round Bodied Terracotta Lamp with Dotted Relief

terracotta: moldmade, fabric: fine with inclusions. Munsell: 5 YR 6/6 reddish yellow
height 2.4 cm
length 7.6 cm
width 6.3 cm

Portland State University Middle East Studies Center
Bogue Lamp Collection, Lamp ID #250, PSU 032bis (58)


Professor Anne Nicogorski, Willamette University, cited with permission

 This orange lamp is mostly circular in shape, with the nozzle extending from the body. The fill hole is large and recessed. There is evidence of a red slip having covered the entire lamp at one time. The outer layer and decoration have mostly worn off. Shape: Round bodied lamp with flat base; slightly carinated body profile; broad central fill hole in concave discus; short, extended, and rounded nozzle. Decoration: Traces of reddish slip (2.5 YR4/6 red) on all surfaces.  Relief decoration on top consisting of band of raised dots radiating from outer edge of discus. Inscriptions: None. Condition: Intact; extremely worn; burning around wick hole.