Ovoid Terracotta Lamp with Rosary and Ridge Relief


Ovoid Terracotta Lamp with Rosary and Ridge Relief

terracotta: mold-made, fabric: coarse. Munsell: 7.5 YR 7/4 pink
height 2.9 cm
length 8.8 cm
width 5.7 cm

Portland State University Middle East Studies Center
Bogue Lamp Collection, Lamp ID #206, PSU 128 (151)


Professor Anne Nicogorski, Willamette University, cited with permission

This tan ovoid lamp is molded with a large, thick nozzle. The fill hole is encircled by a rosary from which radiates a series of ridges. Shape: Round bodied lamp, slightly lopsided, with shallow ring base defined by inner and outer grooves; short grooves on underside on either side of nozzle; rounded, slightly carinated body profile; flat discus with central small fill hole; long extended nozzle with squarish termination. Decoration: Possible traces of dark reddish brown slip. Relief decoration on top consisting of band of small circles around outer edge of discus, surrounded by band of radiating grooves and ridges; horizontal ridge with volutes on either end where body joins nozzle; parallel vertical grooves on nozzle axis; curved irregular groove around wick hole. Inscriptions: None. Condition: Intact; heavily burnt around wick hole; surface chips; worn; encrusted.