Almond Shaped Terracotta Lamp with Looped Handle and Rosary Relief


Almond Shaped Terracotta Lamp with Looped Handle and Rosary Relief

terracotta: moldmade, fabric: burnt, medium coarse
height 5.5 cm
length 10.2 cm
width 6.4 cm

Portland State University Middle East Studies Center
Bogue Lamp Collection, Lamp ID #68, PSU 15bis (27)


Professor Anne Nicogorski, Willamette University, cited with permission

This lamp is almond-shaped and has an orange glaze. There is a cross on a rosary which encircles the double ridge of the discus, extending to the area of the nozzle which is now broken. The upright, loop handle extends from the edge of the rim to the edge of the centrally pierced discus. Shape: Round-bodied with triangular, wide nozzle; flat base; broad, slightly concave discus with central fill hole; high vertical strap handle with central groove, opposite nozzle. Decoration: Sticky red slip on all surfaces (2.5 YR4/4 reddish brown).  Very low relief decoration; small circles just inside and outside edge of discus; on discus -- two raised rectangles flanking fill hole with narrow curved line between them. On top of nozzle is a Greek cross with short horizontal bars at the ends of the cross arms and small circles between the arms. Inscriptions: None. Condition: Mostly complete, heavily chipped around nozzle; lots of surface chips; heavy burning; slip worn; sticky.