Vase Necked Terracotta Lamp with Loop Handle


Vase Necked Terracotta Lamp with Loop Handle                        

terracotta, fabric: fine, gritty buff clay. Munsell: 10 YR 7/3 very pale brown

length 10.7 cm
width 7.2 cm
height 7.1 cm

Portland State University Middle East Studies Center
Bogue Lamp Collection, Lamp ID #172, PSU 002 (3)


Professor Anne Nicogorski, Willamette University, cited with permission

This fictile lamp is covered by a bluish-green glaze and has a loop handle with a projection at its apex, extending from the rim to the top of its vase-necked and fluted fill hole. The body of the lamp is low and cylindrical in form. Shape: Round bodied lamp with flat base; straight side walls; concave on top; tall neck, concave in profile, flaring at the rim; long extended open nozzle from body; high swung vertical handle opposite, ovoid in section, from top of neck to top of body; projecting boss on top of handle. Decoration: Glossy blue-green glaze; underside unglazed except for a few dribbles. Inscriptions: None. Condition: Mostly complete; missing end of nozzle; major chips on upper body and neck and handle; heavily burnt around nozzle and neck; oily residue on inside.